Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Create a course with at least 2 students and an assignment.
- Go to the assignment's grading table and enable quick grading.
- Give grades to 2 students.
- Go to the Gradebook and confirm both students have been graded.
- Unenrol student1 from the course.
- Enrol again the student1. During the enrolment click over the "Show more" link and check "Recover user's old grades if possible" if unchecked
- Go back to the Gradebook and confirm student1 assignment does have a grade.
- Unenrol student2 from the course.
- Enrol again the student2. During the enrolment click over the "Show more" link and uncheck "Recover user's old grades if possible" if checked
- Go back to the Gradebook and confirm student2 assignment doesn't have a grade.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-73639 Write behat tests for MDL-62188 testing instructions: Recover Grades default setting not obeyed
- Closed