Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- As a teacher create a course with at least 2 students and a workshop activity.
- Go to Workshop activity, click on "Switch to the next phase" and confirm.
- Click on "Allocate submissions" and navigate to "Scheduled allocation" section.
- Enable "Automatically allocate submissions at the end of the submission phase".
- Log out as teacher and log in as student1.
- Go to Workshop and add a submission.
- Log out as student1 and log in as student2.
- Go to Workshop and add a submission.
- Log out as student2 and log in as Teacher.
- Go to Workshop settings and change following settings:
- Enable Availability > Submission deadline and set to 1 minute in the future.
- Check 'Switch to the next phase after the submissions deadline'
- Wait till at least one minute after set 'Submission deadline' to ensure cron task had ran.
- Reload the Workshop.
- Confirm submissions for student1 and student2 had been allocated.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-68944 Workshop skips scheduled allocation
- Closed