Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Log in as a teacher, go to a course and create a BigBlueButton activity.
- In the section “Session timing”:
- Check the boxes for enabling "Open" and "Close"
- Assign 10 minutes from now to open
- Assign 15 minutes from now to close
- Save the changes.
- Go to the just created room and verify the state should display the opening and closing time.
- Go to Calendar and confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet.
- Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present.
- Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet.
- Log in as a student.
- Go to the created BigBlueButton activity from step 2.
- Confirm that the student can't join the session, even if the Teacher is in it.
- Check that the state displays the opening and closing time.
- Go to Calendar.
- Confirm that the activity is shown in the "Calendar" if it has not passed yet.
- Go to the Dashboard. Add the "Upcoming Events block" if it is not present.
- Confirm that the activity is shown in "Upcoming Events" if it has not passed yet.
- Note that as the time passes and the room closes, the same behaviour described should be observed by Students.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-70658 Integrate the BBB plugin into Moodle LMS
- Closed