Functional Test
Moodle 4.2
- Create a course with 3 students and 2 groups
- Assign students 1 and 2 to group 1
Test 1: one folder per student
- Create an assignment with the default options (Students submit in groups to NO)
- Log in as the 3 students and do a submission with each one of them
- Log in as admin and go to view submissions
- Click on the "Download all submissions"
- Open the downloaded zip file
- Check there is a folder per student with the submission in it
Test 2: one folder per group
- Create an assignment with:
- Students submit in groups to YES
- Require group to make submission to NO
- Log in as student 1 and 3 and do a submission with each one of them
- Log in as admin and go to view submissions
- Click on the "Download all submissions"
- Open the downloaded zip file
- Check there is a folder for group 1 with the student 1 submission
- Check there is a folder for the Default team with the student 3 submission
- is a QA test written for
MDL-64231 Improve Group assignment submission exporting
- Closed