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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-17385 Moodle 4.2 QA
  3. MDLQA-17916

CLONE - Users can answer questions using drag and drop feature on mobile


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Moodle 4.2
    • Moodle 4.2
    • Questions, Quiz

      Set up

      1. Log in as teacher or admin.
      2. Create a test course (or use an existing one)
      3. Create your own Drag and drop onto image question in the question bank or upload the attached file 'drag-drop-onto-image.xml' using 'moodle xml' format.
      4. Create your own Drag and drop into text question in the question bank or upload the attached file 'big-drag-drop-question.xml' using 'moodle xml' format.
      5. Create your own Drag and drop marker question in the question bank or upload the attached file 'drag-drop-markers-question.xml' using 'moodle xml' format.
      6. Create a quiz in this course.
      7. Add the 3 questions above to the quiz.

      Mobile testing (iOS and Android)

      This can be tested using browserstack as well (ask for credentials if needed).

      1. Log in as student.
      2. Attempt the Quiz.
      3. Verify that you can drag and drop the element to answer the question without any problem.
      4. Repeat the above mobile testing steps 1-3 for a device using Chrome on Android (or Browserstack)

            dajan Dominique-Alain Jan
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