Functional Test
Moodle 4.3
This test requires a Moodle site containing lots of data, at least one teacher and student account, and set to use an RTL language.
There is no need to attach screenshots of every page - just choose a few pages to take screenshots of, including any page where items are not displayed nicely.
- Log in as a teacher and go to a course.
- Browse around and verify that everything is displayed nicely on each page.
- Turn editing on and add a few activities including an assignment, forum and quiz.
- Verify that everything is displayed nicely on each page.
- Log out then log in as a student and go to a course.
- Browse around and verify that everything is displayed nicely on each page.
- Try making an assignment submission, posting in a forum, attempting a quiz and completing any other activity.
- Verify that everything is displayed nicely on each page.
- Log out then log in as the teacher again and grade any completed activities.
- Verify that everything is displayed nicely in the gradebook.
Using Boost theme only:
- Expand and collapse the navigation drawer and verify that the main content expands to fill the available space.
- Testing discovered
MDL-77820 Messages UI issues in RTL
- Open
MDL-77821 Create new event calendarviewdropdown overflow when opened in RTL mode
- Open
MDL-79599 Course index layout bug when using "Bulk Actions" in RTL mode
- Closed
MDL-79600 "Course index options" collapse all arrow direction bug in RTL mode
- Closed
MDL-76457 Popover context pointing arrows should be flipped in RTL mode
- Closed
MDL-78103 More menu text exceeds the menu border in RTL
- Closed
MDL-79601 In RTL mode the Course Progress Report displays First/Last Name in LTR format
- Closed