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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-17933 Moodle 4.3 QA
  3. MDLQA-18152

CLONE - A user can add equations using an equation editor


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Moodle 4.3
    • Moodle 4.3
    • Filters, Student
    • None


      • As admin, visit Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Manage editors and make "Atto HTML editor" the default editor by moving it up to the first position.
      • Enable MathJax filter


      1. Log in as a student, go to a course and access any activity requiring text input using the Atto text editor, such as a forum reply (click advanced to use the text editor) or an online text assignment submission.
      2. In the text editor, click the 'Show/hide advanced' button then click the 'Equation editor' button.
      3. Click the advanced tab.
      4. Click the button for expression containing a square root.
      5. Verify that the text \sqrt[a]{b+c} appears in the text area.
      6. Save the expression then save the forum post or assignment submission etc.
      7. Verify that the expression is displayed correctly.
      8. Repeat the above steps, trying other expressions and verifying that they are displayed correctly.
      9. Choose an equation from the doc Using TeX Notation and copy and paste it (not markers $$) into the equation editor.
      10. Verify that the equation is displayed correctly.

        1. MDLQA-18152.png
          556 kB
          Ron Carl Alfon Yu

            meowmiomew Ron Carl Alfon Yu
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