Functional Test
Moodle 4.3
This test requires three OneDrive accounts, one for the site, one for the student and one for the teacher.
Note: It is important to completely log out of all OneDrive accounts between separate parts of the test or Microsoft will pick a random account to display the file as.
- Log in as an admin and set up and configure the OAuth 2 Microsoft service with a client ID and secret, as described in the documentation OAuth2 Services and OAuth 2 Microsoft service. While registering the application, select the option that includes both, Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts.
- On the OAuth2 services page, connect the account to a system account.
- Enable the OAuth2 authentication plugin.
- Enable the OneDrive repository, making sure it is connected to the Microsoft service.
- Set the supported files to Internal and External.
- Edit the teacher role to allow editothersubmission (capability not enabled by default)
- Log in as a teacher and create an assignment requiring a file upload.
- Log in as a student, select a document from your OneDrive account and select 'Create an access controlled link to the file'.
- Log out of all OneDrive accounts.
- Log in as the teacher again and access the assignment. Click on the link. Verify that you are prompted to log in to your OneDrive account.
- Log in with a different account from that of the student who submitted the assignment. Verify you can edit the student's document.
- Add a few comments to the student's document.
- Log out of all OneDrive accounts.
- Log in as the student, access your assignment and verify you see the teacher's comments in the returned OneDrive doc.
- As the student, go to your personal OneDrive and verify the original document has not been altered.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-58220 Implement Better office integrations project
- Closed