Functional Test
Moodle 4.3
This test requires a course containing activities, including a forum, and a student who is enrolled in the course.
- Log in as the admin.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Privacy settings.
- Make sure that "Automatic data deletion request approval" is checked.
- Make sure that "Create automatic data deletion requests" is checked.
- Log in as a student in the course and participate in a few activities, including adding a new discussion topic in the forum and replying to a forum post.
- Log out then log in as an administrator and go to Site administration / Users / Accounts / Browse list of users.
- If necessary, use the filter to find the student and then delete their account.
- Go to the course and verify that the student is no longer listed as a participant.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Data requests and verify that the student is listed as type: Delete, status 'Deleted' and message 'Automatically created upon user deletion.'
- Run the cron.
- Go to the forum and verify that the text in the student's forum posts has been replaced by the text 'This forum post has been removed' in the subject and 'The content of this forum post has been removed' in the message.
- Verify that the other activities have deleted the user data (exceptions: Content of group submissions in assignments, submissions in collaborative wikis, assessments made in the workshop)
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Privacy settings and disable (untick) 'Create automatic data deletion requests' then save changes.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Accounts / Browse list of users and delete another account.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Data requests and verify that the account you just deleted is NOT listed.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Privacy settings and enable 'Create automatic data deletion requests', and this time disable 'Automatic data deletion request approval'.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Accounts / Browse list of users and delete another account.
- Go to Site administration / Users / Privacy and policies / Data requests and verify that the account you just deleted is listed, and has a status of 'Awaiting approval' for deletion.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-62564 Improve bulk deletion
- Closed