Functional Test
Moodle 4.3
This test requires a fresh moodle install otherwise default values for the settings might not be set (we have not updated the version.php so update will not be run at all for the plugin).
Part 1: Plugin settings for an already created activity
- Create a new course C1 and a new Activity BigblueButton B1
- Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > BigBlueButton > Configuration for locking settings
- Uncheck "Disable webcam can be edited" (*1)
- Save changes
- Go to activity B1 and edit the settings
- Confirm that you don't see "Disable webcams" in the "Lock settings" section
Part 2: Plugin settings for a new activity
- Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > BigBlueButton > Configuration for locking settings
- Check "Disable webcam can be edited" (*1)
- Check "Disable webcam enabled by default" (*1)
- Save changes
- In course C1, create a new BBB activity
- Confirm "Disable webcams" is checked in the "Lock settings" section
- Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > BigBlueButton > Configuration for locking settings
- Uncheck "Disable webcam enabled by default" (*1)
- Save changes
- In course C1, create a new BBB activity
- Confirm "Disable webcams" is not be checked in the "Lock settings" section
Part 3: Join meeting and disabled features
- Create a user t1 and enrol as a teacher in course C1
- Create a user s1 and enrol as a student in course C1
- Login as t1
- Create a new BBB Activity called Instance 1
- In the activity creation form, check "Disable microphones" (*1) in the "Lock settings" section
- Save and display
- Join the meeting
- Confirm you have access to your microphone
- Login as s1
- Join the meeting
- Confirm you don't have access to your microphone
(*1) The test can be repeated with the following settings:
- Disable webcams (no access to the webcam)
- Disable private chat (no access to private chat between users)
- Disable public chat (no public chat)
- Disable shared notes (no shared notes)
- Lock room layout (cannot change the layout)
- Userlist
Part 4: Lock settings are visible / invisible
Add the following to your config.php:
$CFG->bigbluebuttonbn = [
'disablecam_default' => true, |
'disablemic_default' => true, |
'disableprivatechat_default' => true, |
'disablepublicchat_default' => true, |
'disablenote_default' => true, |
'hideuserlist_default' => true, |
'lockonjoin_default' => true, |
'disablecam_editable' => true, |
'disablemic_editable' => true, |
'disableprivatechat_editable' => true, |
'disablepublicchat_editable' => true, |
'disablenote_editable' => true, |
'hideuserlist_editable' => true, |
'lockonjoin_editable' => true, |
- Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > BigBlueButton
- Confirm Configuration for locking settings is not present
- is a QA test written for
MDL-73192 Lock settings not working
- Closed