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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-10986 QA tests no longer needed
  3. MDLQA-18438

Exploratory testing for course page visual improvements


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • Moodle 4.4
    • Course

      This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!

      Please try different browsers, screen resolutions and languages (RTL and LTR)

      Run the test with the browser developer console open and look for any errors.


      1. As admin  go to Site administration > Experimental settings and enable "Enable communication providers"
      2. Create a course with several activities or restore the one attached to this issue ( ). If you prefer to create a course, you'll also need to:
        1. Go to Course settings and, in Course format, select "Show one section per page" for the "Course layout" parameter.
        2. Highlight one of the sections.
        3. Add, at least, one empty section.
      3. Install some LTR language, such as Arabic (ar).
      4. Enrol a student to the course.
      5. From the main course page, go to More > Communication and choose "Custom link". For the "Custom link URL" you can use any URL (for instance, http://moodle.org ).

      Scenario 1. Update the section visibility badge to use status dropdown

      1. As a teacher, go to the main course page and turn edit mode on.
      2. Go to one section unhidden and go to the kebab menu for the section.
      3. Click on the hide action.
      4. Check that the section badge has appeared and is a dropdown with the option selected “Hidden from students”.
      5. Click on the status dropdown and confirm you can see the options:
        1. Show on course page.
        2. Hide on course page. Selected.
      6. Turn edit mode off.
      7. Confirm you can see next to the section’s name the badge “Hidden from students” which is not a dropdown.
      8. Log out and log in as a student.
      9. Confirm you can not see the section hidden by the teacher.
      10. Log in as a teacher and turn edit mode on
      11. Go to the hidden section.
      12. Confirm you can see in the kebab menu for the section the option to show the section.
      13. Go to the status dropdown next to the section's name and select the “Show on course page” option.
      14. Confirm you can not see the status dropdown next to the section's name.
      15. Log out and log in as a student.
      16. Confirm you can see the section hidden by the teacher.

      Scenario 2. Drag&drop activity

      1. As a teacher, go to the main course page and turn edit mode on
      2. Drag an activity with the mouse and wait until dropping it.
      3. Confirm that the "Shadow" element (dragImage) is the activity card without any top space. See the comparison below:
        1. (Wrong) Shadow element with top spacing.
        2. (Correct) Shadow element without top spacing.
      4. Confirm the activity is moved when dropping it using the course content or the course index.

      Scenario 3: Activity separators with "+" buttons styling

      1. As a teacher, go to the main course page and turn edit mode on
      2. Confirm that activities can be added using the "+" button between activities.
      3. Confirm that activities can be added using the "Add an activity or resource" button.
      4. Repeat these previous steps 4 and 5 Weekly sections, Social and Custom sections.
      5. Go to set course settings and set the course format to Custom sections.
      6. Confirm that new section can be added using the "+" button between sections
      7. Confirm that new section can be added using the "Add section" button at the bottom of the page.
      8. Click on Bulk actions.
      9. Confirm that the page is displayed like this example (the activities' checkbox are inside the activity card and the sections' checkboxes are outside the box):

      Scenario 4. New collapse/expand chevron styling

      1. As a teacher go to the main course page.
      2. Go to course settings page and set the Course layout to Show all sections on one page.
      3. Confirm that the "Expand/Collapse" section buttons are displayed like this:
      4. Go to the Course settings.
      5. Confirm that the "Expand/Collapse" section buttons are displayed in the same way.
      6. In the Description setting textfield (using Tiny editor) click on the h5p (Configure H5P content) button.
      7. Confirm that the "Expand/Collapse" section buttons are displayed in the same way.

      Scenario 5. Improve activity card styling

      1. As a teacher and go to the main course page.
      2. Confirm that the sections are displayed with a border and the activities with a line separator.
      3. Turn edit mode on, go to a section and hide it.
      4. Confirm that the section is correctly hidden and all the card is displayed in gray colour.
      5. Go to a section with is not hidden.
      6. Click on the View option in the section menu
      7. Confirm that the section page is correctly displayed and the activities is displayed without borders and on a white background.

            lameze Simey Lameze
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