Functional Test
This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
- As admin, create a course called "Test course" and add a quiz called "Test quiz" to the course.
- Navigate to the new quiz, and select the "Question bank" tab
- Select "Categories" from the tertiary navigation.
- Confirm* that there's a default category created named "Default for Test Quiz" that has no drag and drop handle.
- Confirm* the category has an action menu containing only "Edit settings" and "Export as Moodle XML"
- Click in "Add category"
- Set the parent category to "Top for Test Quiz", fill in the Name "New category 1", add some Category info and an ID Number
- Click Add category in the modal form
- Confirm That the created category appears under the "Quiz: Test Quiz" heading.
- Confirm That the id number is displayed next to the category name
- Confirm That both the new category and the "Default for Test course" both have drag handles.
- Confirm That the "Edit" action menu for both movable categories contains a "Move" and "Delete" option, as well as the options listed in step 4.
- Check the "Show descriptions" checkbox at the top of the page
- Confirm that the description is down in your new category.
- Click on the drag handle for your new category.
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 1" over "Default for Test Quiz"
- Confirm that the top border of "Default for Test Quiz" is highlighted.
- Drop "New category 1"
- Confirm that the two categories switch order.
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 1" just below "Default for Test Quiz"
- Confirm that the bottom border of "Default for Test Quiz" is highlighted.
- Drop "New category 1"
- Confirm that the two categories are back to their original order.
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 1" and hold it in the "Default for Test quiz"
- Confirm that a [ + ] drop target is shown next to the "Default for Test quiz"
- Drop "New category 1" in the [ + ] drop target.
- Confirm that "New category 1" moves to the new context, below "Default for Test quiz"
- Confirm that "Default for Test quiz" is now movable
- Confirm that "Default for Test course" is no longer movable.
- Add an additional category as a child of "Top for Test quiz", called "New category 2"
- Confirm That the "Test quiz" heading now contains 3 categories, "Default for Test quiz", "New category 1" and "New category 2".
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 1" over "Default for Test quiz"
- Confirm that a [ + ] drop target is shown next to the "Default for Test quiz" name
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 1" over the [ + ] drop target.
- Confirm that the drop target is highlighted, and the tooltip "As new child of Default for Test quiz" is shown.
- Drop "New category 1"
- Confirm That "New category 1" is now positioned as a child item of "Default for Test quiz"
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 2" just below "New category 1"
- Confirm that the bottom border of "New category 1" is highlighted.
- Drop "New category 2"
- Confirm that "New category 2" moves after "New category 1", as a second child of "Default for Test quiz"
- Drag (but don't drop it) "New category 2" just below "Default for Test quiz"
- Confirm that the bottom border of "Default for Test quiz" is highlighted.
- Drop "New category 2"
- Confirm that "New category 2" is moved to the top level of the Test quiz list, outside of "Default for Test quiz".
- Drag (but don't drop it) "Default for Test quiz", moving the cursor over "New category 1".
- Confirm that you cannot drag-and-drop the category inside itself.
- Click on "Edit > Move" in the "Default for Test quiz" category
- Confirm that you see a modal listing all of the positions the category can move to.
- Confirm that you do not see "Default for Test quiz" on the list
- Click "Before New category 2"
- Confirm that the category is moved back to its original position, at the top of the "Test quiz" list.
- Click on "Edit > Edit settings" in the "New category 2" category
- Edit the name, description and ID number and click "Save changes"
- Confirm that the updated name, description and id number are shown on the page.
- Click on "Edit > Delete" in the "New category 2" category
- Click the "Delete" button in the confirmation modal and confirm that the category is deleted.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-72397 Improve question category management UI
- Closed