Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
This test requires two assignments with a point grade type and maximum points of 100 set to use a marking guide, one with marking complete, the other unmarked.
- Log in as a teacher and go to the marked assignment.
- Go to Assignment administration > Advanced grading > Define marking guide and change the maximum marks total to 50.
- Check that you see a warning message "You are about to save changes to a marking guide that has already been used for grading. Please indicate if existing grades need to be reviewed. If you set this then the marking guide will be hidden from students until their item is regraded." and a list box with options "Mark for regrade" and "Do not mark for regrade".
- Choose "Do not mark for regrade" and check that the marks for the marking guide are not changed, but maximum marks are changed to 50.
- Repeat the steps for the unmarked assignment checking that there no warning message.