Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
Test Pre-requisites:
- An existing assignment set to use a marking guide with a complete guide defined, and some marking completed.
- The marking guide must include at least two values for Frequently used comments.
- Unless otherwise specified testing should be performed as a teacher user.
Test steps:
- Open the marking guide for editing
- Change the order and text of the frequently used comments on the marking guide
- Save the marking guide
- View existing marking records and check that nothing has changed
- Open the marking guide for editing
- Remove one of the criteria
- Create a new criterion with the same maximum grade
- Save the marking guide (a warning is presented telling you: "You are about to save significant changes to a marking guide that has already been used for grading. The gradebook value will be unchanged, but the marking guide will be hidden from students until their item is regraded.")
- Login as a student whose submission had been marked
- Check that the student cannot see their individual comments and marks related to the marking guide, but that the unchanged grade remains visible
- Log back in as the teacher
- Return to marking a student who has already been marked
- Remark the student
- Login as the student who has just had their submission re-marked
- Check that the student can now see their individual comments and marks related to the marking guide with the updated information and that the grade is correct