Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
- Create three courses: course1, course2 and course3.
- An admin, go to Site adminstration > Users > Accounts > Upload users and upload the attached file "QA_user_enrol.txt"
- Finish the upload process, navigate to each course participants page and verify the users have been enrolled.
- Repeat step 1 but now upload the file "QA_user_suspend.txt", changing the Upload type to 'Update existing users only'.
- Finish the upload process, navigate to each course participants page and verify:
- learner1 user has active enrolment in course1 and course2 but is suspended in course3.
- learner2 user has active enrolment in course1 and course3 but is suspended in course2.
- Testing discovered
MDL-81314 Display course level suspensions in bulk "upload user results" interface
- Open