Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
This test requires conditional access to be enabled globally (via Advanced Features) and within a course via Course administration>Edit settings. It also requires a course with a teacher and test student enrolled.
- Log in as a teacher, log in to a course, and create a Page resource.
- Expand the Completion conditions section and set ‘Add ‘requirements and criteria to ‘View the activity’.
- Save the page.
- Create a forum.
- Expand the Restrict Access section and click 'Add restriction'.
- Click 'Activity completion' and choose the Page resource, leaving the restriction at 'must match' Save the forum.
- Log in as a test student and verify the forum is unavailable with a restriction message relating to the page.
- Log back in as a teacher .
- Click on the activity action menu of the forum and select the 'Availability' option then check 'Hide on the course page' option.
- Log in as a test student and verify the forum is not visible at all.