Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
Note: This test requires a test server; it is not possible to run it on the QA testing site.
- Download the attached .zip file
- Unzip the file somewhere and make note of its location.
- Log in as admin, go to Site administration / Plugins / Enrolments / Manage enrol plugins and enable 'IMS enterprise file' enrolment.
- Enable the following in your IMS Enterprise settings:
- createnewusers
- imsdeleteusers
- createnewcourses
- createnewcategories
- imsunenrol
- In the same imsenterprise setting page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 1-ImportationMoodle-test-create.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 e.g. /home/user/IMSImportationMoodleTest/1-ImportationMoodle-test-create.xml and save changes.
- Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
- Check that a TEST-IMS course category, a TEST-IMS-CREATION course, a John Doe user are created and John Doe is enrolled in the course.
- Back in the imsenterprise settings page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 2-ImportationMoodle-test-unenroll.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 and save changes.
- Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
- Check that the user has been unenrolled from the course.
- Back in the imsenterprise settings page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 3-ImportationMoodle-test-delete.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 and save changes.
- Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
- Check that the user has been deleted from the site and that no error is obtained.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-50092 User unenrollment not working with IMS Enterprise
- Closed