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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-18443 Moodle 4.4 QA
  3. MDLQA-18696

CLONE - An admin can create, delete, enrol or unenrol users using IMS enterprise file enrolment


      Note: This test requires a test server; it is not possible to run it on the QA testing site.

      1. Download the attached .zip file
      2. Unzip the file somewhere and make note of its location.
      3. Log in as admin, go to Site administration / Plugins / Enrolments / Manage enrol plugins and enable 'IMS enterprise file' enrolment.
      4. Enable the following in your IMS Enterprise settings:
        • createnewusers
        • imsdeleteusers
        • createnewcourses
        • createnewcategories
        • imsunenrol
      5. In the same imsenterprise setting page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 1-ImportationMoodle-test-create.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 e.g. /home/user/IMSImportationMoodleTest/1-ImportationMoodle-test-create.xml and save changes.
      6. Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
      7. Check that a TEST-IMS course category, a TEST-IMS-CREATION course, a John Doe user are created and John Doe is enrolled in the course.
      8. Back in the imsenterprise settings page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 2-ImportationMoodle-test-unenroll.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 and save changes.
      9. Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
      10. Check that the user has been unenrolled from the course.
      11. Back in the imsenterprise settings page, set 'File location' to the full path to the file 3-ImportationMoodle-test-delete.xml in the location you made a note of in step 2 and save changes.
      12. Perform an IMS Enterprise import by clicking the link at the bottom of the settings page.
      13. Check that the user has been deleted from the site and that no error is obtained.

            meowmiomew Ron Carl Alfon Yu
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