Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
Important information
- eMailtest plugin needs to be used as the normal email test (Server > Outgoing mail configuration) will only shows the payload if there is an error.
- If you notice some slowness with eMailtest (like the index page takes a lot of time to load), double check the domains that your users are on is a real domain. As the mailtester will check if the DNS name are valid and this takes time.
- If you get a debug message about invalid no reply address, set a valid email address in noreplyaddress setting
- Clone SNMP4dev and change the docker-compose.yml to:
Port: 1025:25
- Start docker container: docker-compose up
- Add the following entries to your config.php:
$CFG->smtphosts = 'localhost:1025';
$CFG->debugsmtp = true;
$CFG->debug = 32767;
- Go to your instance local/ directory and clone the repository mailtest by running: git clone https://github.com/michael-milette/moodle-local_mailtest mailtest
- Log in as admin and finish installing the mailtest plugin.
- Visit Site Administration > Server > Outgoing mail configuration and set smtpsecure to None
- Now visit Site Administration > Server > Email > eMail Test
- Check "Always show log of communications with mail server, even if there are no errors." option if not enabled
- Send a test email and look at the debug output.
- Verify the TLS being available (even if not used), the debug output should look like this:
250-SIZE 52428800
--> 250-STARTTLS <--
250 HELP
- is a QA test written for
MDL-52637 Connection to SMTP mail not working with Moodle 3.0 (result of phpmailer update)
- Closed