Functional Test
Moodle 2.3
Test Pre-requisites:
This test requires an activity with File Submissions and Online Text disabled. i.e. a replication of the old off-line activity using the new single assignment type.
This test must be tested with the new 2.3 Assignment plugin ONLY.
1. Login as a teacher and access the Off-line activity assignment.
2. Follow the 'View assignment grades and feedback' link and select a student to grade.
3. Add a grade and comment then click the 'Save changes' button.
4. Check that the grade, comment and 'Last modified (Teacher)' date are correctly displayed for the assignment just graded and the link text in the status column has changed from 'Grade' to 'Update'.
- is blocked by
MDL-33319 No quick feedback option available in assignment 2.3 that has quick grading enabled
- Closed