Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
- This test requires a course with a teacher and at least three students (s1, s2 and s3) enrolled.
- The course should have two groups, Group A and Group B.
- Three students: s1, s2, and s3 such that:
- s1 is in group A
- s2 is in group B
- s3 is both group A and B
- As a teacher, access a course and create an assignment.
- Set an "Allow submissions from" date, a 'Due date", and a "Cut-off date" (defaults are fine).
- Click 'Save and display'.
- In the assignment, click "Overrides" in the more menu. Then select "Group overrides" from the drop-down.
- Create a group override for Group A - set the months to one month ahead from the assignment dates
- Create a group override for Group B - set the months to one month ahead from the previous group override
- Create a user override for student s1 - set the months to one month forward from the previous group override (e.g. August)
- Access the grading screen and verify that:
- All the dates for student s1 match the user override set previously
- All the dates for student s2 match the override set for Group B
- All the dates for student s3 match the override set for Group A
- Log in as student s1, s2, and s3 and verify that the assignment submission page dates match the dates on the grading screen from before
- As teacher, return to the assignment set up screen and click "Overrides" in the more menu. Then select "Group overrides" from the drop-down.
- Click the down arrow next to Group A override
- Verify the position of Group A and Group B has swapped in the list
- Access the grading screen, verify that all the dates for student s3 now match the override set for Group B
- Hide the activity from students via the course home page
- Revisit the user and group overrides and verify that:
- All actions are present for the respective override, namely 'edit', 'copy' and 'delete'
- You see a notice explaining that the override is inactive for "User overrides".
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-29795 Add user/group overrides for mod/assign
- Closed