Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
Test Pre-requisites:
This test requires a quiz containing several questions.
Test Steps suppressing the taskbar:
- Login as a teacher, edit the quiz settings for 'Require the use of Safe Exam Browser' to be 'Yes – Configure manually'.
- Set the settings for 'Enable quitting of SEB' to 'Yes'.
- Leave the 'Quit password' empty.
- Set the settings for 'Show SEB task bar' to 'No'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Do start the quiz attempt (which should trigger Safe Exam Browser to be used).
- CONFIRM there is NO task bar in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
Test Steps featuring the taskbar:
- Login as a teacher, edit the quiz settings for 'Require the use of Safe Exam Browser' to be 'Yes – Configure manually'.
- Set the settings for 'Enable quitting of SEB' to 'Yes'.
- Leave the 'Quit password' empty.
- Set the settings for 'Show SEB task bar' to 'Yes'.
- Login as a student and access the quiz.
- Do start the quiz attempt (which should trigger Safe Exam Browser to be used).
- CONFIRM there is A task bar in Safe Exam Browser.
- Quit Safe Exam Browser either with the "Quit" button in the Safe Exam Browser task bar or by pressing the keys Ctrl-Q or by clicking the main browser window close button.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-67850 Add Safe Exam Browser integration to the standard Moodle package (moodle-quizaccess_seb)
- Closed