Functional Test
Moodle 4.4
IMPORTANT: As all these installations will be run against the same code and database, it's important to use a different dbprefix. The testing instructions have been written taking this into account (so this is just a warning in case you copy&paste the command without changing this value).
You might need to give read permission to your config.php if you see some errors about permission denied
Testing scenario 1. CLI install: Apply STARTER
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation:
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=aa_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --sitepreset=starter --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors.
- Open the config.php and check it contains $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = 'starter'.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check the "Show version history" option is displayed in the "Starter" actions menu.
- Go to "Site administration > Advanced features".
- Check "Enable comments", "Enable tags functionality", "Enable notes", "Enable blogs", "Enable badges" and "Enable competencies" features are disabled.
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, at least, Database, Lesson and Wiki are disabled.
Testing scenario 2. CLI install: Apply a non-existing preset
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation:
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=bb_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --sitepreset=unexisting --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors.
- Open the config.php and check it contains $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = 'unexisting'.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check the "Show version history" option is NOT displayed in the "Starter" actions menu.
- Go to "Site administration > Advanced features".
- Check all the settings have their default value (except for enablewebservices which is enabled by default if site is https and not if http)
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check Database, Lesson and Wiki are enabled.
Testing scenario 3. CLI install: Import valid XML file
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation (use the absolute path to the --sitepreset option):
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=cc_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --sitepreset=/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/import_settings_plugins.xml --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors.
- Open the config.php and check it contains $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = '/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/import_settings_plugins.xml'.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check a 3 presets are displayed: "Starter", "Full" and "Imported preset".
- Check the "Show version history" option is displayed in the "Imported preset" actions menu.
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, Chat and Database are disabled and Lesson is enabled.
Testing scenario 4. CLI install: Import unexisting XML file
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation (use the absolute path to the --sitepreset option):
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=dd_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --sitepreset=/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/xxxxx.xml --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors (there are some warnings, but no errors).
- Open the config.php and check it contains $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = '/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/xxxxx.xml'.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check only 2 presets are displayed: "Starter" and "Full".
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, Database, Lesson and Wiki are enabled.
Testing scenario 5. CLI install: Import invalid XML file
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation:
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=ee_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --sitepreset=/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/invalid_xml_file.xml --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors (in that case, as the XML is invalid, some warning might be raised, depending on your server configuration).
- Open the config.php and check it contains $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = '/home/user/moodles/m/integration_master/moodle/admin/presets/tests/fixtures/invalid_xml_file.xml'.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check only 2 presets are displayed: "Starter" and "Full".
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, Database, Lesson and Wiki are enabled.
Testing scenario 6. CLI install: Default installation (without --sitepreset)
- Remove config.php if it exists.
- Remember to use an empty database or a new prefix.
- Open a terminal and run the following command. You'll probably need to modify some values, such as wwwroot, dbname, dbuser and dbpass to your local installation:
php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=http://localhost/m/integration_master --dbtype=pgsql --dbname=integrationmaster --dbuser=postgres --dbpass=postgres --prefix=ff_ --fullname=Test --shortname=Test --adminpass=test --adminemail=admin@moodle.invalid --agree-license --non-interactive --allow-unstable
- Check the installation process finishes without errors.
- Open the config.php and check it does NOT contain $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall.
- Login as admin.
- Go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check the "Show version history" option is not displayed in the "Starter" nor the "Full" actions menu.
- Go to "Site administration > Advanced features".
- Check "Enable comments", "Enable tags functionality", "Enable notes", "Enable blogs", "Enable badges" and "Enable competencies" features are enabled.
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, at least, Database, Lesson and Wiki are enabled.
Testing scenario 7. Manual install: Apply STARTER
- Edit the config.php file and change the following fields:
- $CFG->prefix = 'gg_';
- $CFG->setsitepresetduringinstall = 'starter';
- Go to the Moodle site and follow the installation process, pressing the "Continue" button, to installing manually your Moodle site.
- Once the installation process finishes and all the required forms are filled-out, go to "Site administration > Site admin presets".
- Check the "Show version history" option is displayed in the "Starter" actions menu.
- Go to "Site administration > Advanced features".
- Check "Enable comments", "Enable tags functionality", "Enable notes", "Enable blogs", "Enable badges" and "Enable competencies" features are disabled.
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Manage activities".
- Check, at least, Database, Lesson and Wiki are disabled.