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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-18925 Moodle 4.5 QA
  3. MDLQA-19063

CLONE - A teacher can allocate group or individual grade to students submitting a group assignment


      This test requires:
      •A course with a group of two students
      •A group assignment to have been set up
      •Both students to have submitted

      1. Log in as a teacher and navigate to the assignment
      2. Click on the 'Submissions' link in the secondary navigation
      3. Click on the 'Grade' menu item in the Grade column for the first student
      4. Enter a grade
      5. For "Apply grades and feedback to entire group" choose "Yes" and save changes
      6. Verify that the gradebook now shows both students in the group with the same grade
      7. In the Submissions page, click again on the 'Grade' menu item in the Grade column for the first student
      8. Change the grade for Student 1
      9. For "Apply grades and feedback to entire group" choose "No" and save changes
      10. Verify that the gradebook now shows Student 1 as having a different grade from Student 2

            kimjared2121 Kim Jared Lucas
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