Functional Test
Moodle 4.5
- A course with a group of two students
- An assignment with the settings:
- "Feedback comments" and "Feedback files" under "Feedback types" enabled.
- Require students to click the submit button: Yes
- Students submit in groups: Yes
- Require group to make submission: Yes
- Require all group members submit : Yes
- Both students to have submitted
- Log in as a teacher and navigate to the assignment
- Click on the 'Submissions' link in the secondary navigation
- Click on the 'Grade' menu item in the Grade column for the first student
- Enter some text in the Feedback box and upload a file to the Feedback files area.
- For "Apply grades and feedback to entire group" choose "Yes" and save changes
- Verify that when viewing all submissions it now shows both students in the group with the same feedback text and uploaded file
- Click again on the 'Grade' menu item in the Grade column for the first student
- Change the feedback text and delete and replace the feedback file for Student 1
- For "Apply grades and feedback to entire group" choose "No" and save changes
- Verify that when viewing all submissions it now shows Student 1 as having different feedback text and a different feedback file from Student 2.