Functional Test
Moodle 4.5
Test Pre-Requisites
- An otherwise unused e-mail account which supports:
- Sub-Addresses
- Working SMTP configuration for Moodle
- A course, with at least one student enrolled (the student must have a working e-mail address that you can check)
- Access to run cron
Test setup
- Log in as administrator
- Open Site administration -> Server -> Incoming mail configuration -> Mail settings
- Enter your mailbox configuration:
- Mailbox name: The bit before the @ on the e-mail address you would use to send e-mail to. For example, jammydodger in jammydodger@example.com
- Email domain: The bit after the @ on the e-mail address you would use to send e-mail to. For example, example.com in jammydodger@example.com
- Enter your Incoming mail server settings
- Incoming Mail Server: The IMAP server name
- Use SSL: Server-dependent
- Username: The username required to log on to this IMAP server
- Password: The password required to log on to this IMAP server
- Click Save changes
- Open Site administration -> Server -> Email -> Message handlers
- Click the Edit icon beside "Reply to forum post"
- Place a tick beside "Enabled"
- Ensure that "Validate sender address" is disabled
- Click Save changes
Test procedure
- Log in as an editing teacher and navigate to the course you created for this test
- Create a new discussion forum with automatic subscription
- Post a new discussion in this forum:
- Ensure that you check the "Send forum post notifications with no editing-time delay" option
- Run cron
- Check the e-mail account of your student user
- Confirm that you received a notification about the new forum post
- Confirm that the reply address for the e-mail is in for correct format:
- It contains the mailbox name specified above
- Followed by a plus sign
- Followed by the Email domain specified bove
- Reply to the e-mail with some content
- Run Cron
- Confirm that the output does not list any errors and that the e-mail was processed
- Navigate to the forum and refresh the discussion
- Confirm that the new discussion post was added