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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-18925 Moodle 4.5 QA
  3. MDLQA-19321

CLONE - A teacher can filter and order information on Activity completion report


      1. As a teacher create a course with completion tracking enabled and group mode set to visible groups.
      2. Enrol more than 25 students (more than 50 student is better) to test the paging.
      3. Create 2 groups and assign student 1 to group 1, student 2 to group 2.
      4. Create some activities (in different types such as quiz, assignment, page, etc).
      5. Go to Activities completion report and check if those filtering/sorting options work together:
        1. Group (filtering).
        2. Include (filtering).
        3. Activity order (sorting).
        4. First name letters bar (filtering)
        5. Surname letters bar (filtering).
      6. Changing the filtering options (all options above except the Activity order) will reset the paging. Changing the paging should not change the filtering options
      7. Check the sort function by first name / last name. Changing the sort function should not change the paging and the filtering options. Changing the filtering options should not change the sort option.
      8. Check the download links. The downloaded files should apply the filtering options, sorting option and should contain all records (without paging).

            tamar Tamar Elikishvili
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