Functional Test
Moodle Qbank
Set up
- As admin create a course (c1)
- Enrol a teacher (t1) in the course and give them the question sharer role (so that they have access to the course category questions)
- Create a quiz activity (quiz1) in c1
- View quiz1 and go to the question bank categories
- cog icon > question bank > categories
- Add a sub category (c1 subcategory) to the “Default for quiz1” category
- Go to the questions tab in the question bank
- Create 10 questions (doesn’t matter the type) in the “Default for quiz1” category
- Name the questions something that identifies the category, such as “c1 cat q1”, “c1 cat q2” etc
- Give 5 of the questions the tag “c1”
- Create 1 question in the “c1 subcategory” category
- Name it something identifiable like “sub c2 cat q1”
- Give it the tags “c1” and “sub”
- Navigate to the Course > More > Question banks and create a default question bank.
- Create a question in the category “Default for Miscellaneous”
- Name it something identifiable like “misc cat q1”
- Give it the tags “c1” and “misc”
Testing the preview section
- Log in as t1 (teacher) , go to the quiz1 and edit it.
- Open the “Add” menu and click “+ a random question” to open the modal
- CONFIRM that the modal has two tabs, “Existing category” and “New category”
- CONFIRM that each tab has two buttons at the bottom, a cancel button and "Add random question" button
- In the “Existing category” tab modify the filters with various combinations between categories and tags and CONFIRM that the preview section behaves according to the following in each case:
- There is a remark stating the number of questions that match the filter, e.g. “Questions matching this filter: 10” or “Questions matching this filter: 0”
- The sets of questions are displayed in a tabbed list
- The questions displayed match the filters selected, e.g. they have all tags selected, they belong to the category selected, and sub categories aren’t included unless the checkbox is checked
- is a QA test written for
MDL-61138 Add list of questions to the "Add a random question" dialog
- Closed