This is an exploratory test of a new feature or improvement, so please feel free to try anything you like and not just the test steps!
- As admin, create a new course.
- Go to participants and enrol a user as teacher
- As teacher go to the course and click “More” menu and then select “Question banks”.
- Verify that you see a “Create default question bank” button.
- Click on the button.
- Verify that a default course question bank is created.
- Now click the “Add” button, fill the form and click “Save and display”
- Verify it takes you to the new question bank and all details are correct.
- Go back to the “Question banks” page.
- Verify it displays the new question bank you have created.
- Add few questions to each of the questions banks.
- Go back to the course and add a Quiz.
- Click the “Add question” button.
- On the quiz building page, click “Add” and select “from question bank”
- Click on the new “Switch bank” button.
- Verify that it shows all question banks that you have access to.
- Verify It shows question banks in this course.
- Click on one of the links to the question bank.
- Verify all questions of that selected question bank are displayed.
- Click on the “Switch bank” button again.
- Using the search field, click the down arrow icon.
- Verify It shows suggestions of other question banks.
- Select one of the question banks from the list and verify it shows the questions of that question bank.
- Select one or more questions and then click “Add selected questions to the quiz” button
- Verify the questions you chose have been added to the Quiz.
- Experiment with this new feature and verify everything works as expected.
- has a clone
MDLQA-19833 CLONE - As a teacher I can create multiple question banks in a course
- Passed