• Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • None
    • Moodle QA non-runners
    • Groups
    • None

      Test Pre-requisites:

      1. Create a new course

      Test Steps:


      1. As an admin, navigate to Settings -> Course administration -> Users -> Groups
      2. Create a group with name 'test-1' and ID numer 'test-1'
      3. Create another group with name 'test-2' and ID number 'test-1'
      4. Confirm that you cannot create the group
      5. Update the group ID number to 'test-2' and confirm that it has been created
      6. Select 'test-2', click 'Edit group settings', set the group ID number to 'test-1'
      7. Confirm that you could not save the group


      1. Switch to 'Groupings'
      2. Create a new grouping named 'grouping-1' with ID number 'grouping-1'
      3. Create another grouping named 'grouping-2' with ID number 'grouping-1'
      4. Confirm that the creation failed.
      5. Update the grouping ID number to 'grouping-2' and save your changes
      6. Edit 'grouping-2', update the ID number to 'grouping-1' and confirm that an error occurs upon saving

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