Functional Test
Moodle QA non-runners
Test pre-requisites:
- One course in Moodle.
- Teacher access to it.
Test steps:
- Login as teacher and acces to the course.
- Turn edit on.
- Add one "book" resource, default settings, just set the name and the description.
- Click the "Save and display" button.
- Test: One "Add new chapter" form is shown.
- Fill the chapter title and some content, ideally embedding some image and using some formatting (bolds, lists...).
- Click the "Save changes" button.
- Test: On the left, the "Table of contents" block is shown. It has one entry with the chapter title just created (surely, but not critical), with "1" before the title.
- Test: On the right, the title is shown with the contents below, showing the image and formating as originally introduced.
- Click the plus icon in the TOC block. Introduce one new title and content. Save changes.
- Test: The TOC block shows 2 entries, numbered "1" and "2".
- Test: On the right, the 2nd chapter title and its contents is shown.
- Click the plus icon in the TOC block for the first title. Introduce one new title and content and tick the "Subchapter" checkbox.
- Test: The TOC block shows 3 entries, numbered "1", "1.1" and "2".
- Test: On the right both the "1" title and the "1.1" title is shown. And then, the contents as introduced.
- Test: By clicking on the "left" and "right" arrows, you can navigate between the 3 chapters. Current chapter is always shown bold in the TOC block.