- Log in as teacher and access a course.
- Turn editing on.
- Follow the restore link either via the gear menu or the Administration block, depending upon your theme.
- Restore the backup http://tracker.moodle.org/secure/attachment/28268/test_book_for_qa_20120522.mbz
- Verify that the restored book has title "Test Book for QA" and has 4 chapters (1, 2, 3 & 4) and 2 subchapters (3A & 3B).
- Backup the course using the default settings.
- From the "User private backup area" click "Restore".
- Select "Restore into this course", merging contents. Use default settings.
- Verify that the message "The course was restored successfully..." is shown with "Continue" button.
- Click on the "Continue button".
- Verify that there are now two books on the course page with title "Test Book for QA". Compare them and check that the chapters and contents are the same.
- On the course page in the edit menu opposite the book, click Duplicate.
- Verify that there are now three books on the course page, all identical.