Functional Test
This test requires a Moodle site containing lots of data, at least one teacher and student account, and set to use an RTL language.
There is no need to attach screenshots of every page - just choose a few pages to take screenshots of, including any page where items are not displayed nicely.
Before submitting a new bug report, please review the existing list of RTL issues in the end to avoid duplicates.
For each page or feature:
- Verify that text alignment follows RTL conventions.
- Check that UI elements (menus, buttons, forms, overlays) are correctly positioned and functional.
- Ensure there are no visual issues (text overlap, broken layouts).
- Test navigation to ensure it works smoothly in RTL mode.
- Make sure everything is translated properly.
Pages to Verify:
- Main site page: Main Site
- Support (Contact) page: Contact Page
- Policies page: Policies
- Data Privacy: Privacy Page
- Login screen: Login
- Forget password: Forgot Password
- Site search
- User profile - All subpages
- All privacy and policies pages
- User tours (dialog overlay arrows)
- Messages & Notifications
- User Grades
- User Preferences
- Calendar
- My dashboard
- My courses
Course (Teacher & Student):
- Site/course Index (side navbar)
- Blocks
- Grades - All subpages
- Course settings
- Participants
- Groups
- Reports
- Question bank - All subpages
- Content bank - All subpages
- Competencies - All subpages
- Badges - All subpages
- Backup/restore - All subpages
- Course reuse (import)
- Completion
- Filters
- Edit mode (inline edit, drag & drop, restrictions)
- Course format topics (module "card" view)
- All modules: Assignment, Quiz, Glossary, Book, Page, Forum, Database, Feedback, H5P, Lesson, Workshop
- Tiny (HTML editor) - All buttons and functions
- Make sure email notification from Messages, Forums, Assignment are received properly aligned to the right, and also text directionality is RTL
New features
- List QA tests for new features here.
Known RTL issues
- MDL-49089 - wrong qtype_multiplechoice answernumberingABCD display in Hebrew lang (rtl lang)
- MDL-68151 - Adapt H5P to RTL texts
- MDL-77821 - Create new event calendarviewdropdown overflow when opened in RTL mode
- MDL-77859 - TinyMCE 6 RTL/LTR button should always inline directionality attribute
- MDL-83097 - Improvement of Percentage Sign Placement for RTL Languages
- MDL-83142 - Mispositioned items when reviewing incorrect drag and drop markers quiz question
MDL-83148- Assignment pdf editor comment icon is hidden