Test steps;
1. As a teacher in a course, go to Settings>Course administration>Edit settings
2. Scroll down to the Role renaming section.
3. In the "Your word for teacher" box, type "Tutor"
4. In the "Your word for student" box, type "Learner". Save the changes.
5. On your course page, verify that in "Settings>Course administration>Switch role to.. you now see "Learner"
6. Click on the Participants link in the Navigation block and in the "Current role" dropdown, verify you see "Tutor" and "Learner"
7. Go back to Settings>Course administration>Edit settings and remove the custom names from the two boxes. Save the changes.
8. On your course page, verify that you now see "Switch role to.... Student" again and on the Participants screen the "Current role" dropdown displays "Teacher" and "Student" again.
- will be (partly) resolved by
MDL-38484 Automate MDLQA-4597 - A teacher can rename roles within a course
- Closed