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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-4602 Moodle 2.4 QA
  3. MDLQA-4759

CLONE - A student can export chat sessions to their portfolio


      This test requires the following:

      • Portfolios and the file download and Google Docs portfolio plugins to be enabled for the site
      • A course containing a chat activity with at least one saved chat session which everyone can view and for which the role of student has permission to export chat sessions
      • A Google Docs account for use in testing

      1. Login as a student, and access the chat activity.
      2. View a past chat session and click the save link.
      3. Try exporting the data, selecting file download as the portfolio.
      4. Save the file locally then open it and check that all data has been exported correctly.
      5. Try exporting the data again and select Google Docs as the portfolio.
      6. Login to your Google Docs account.
      7. Check that the file is exported correctly to Google Docs.

            rajeshtaneja Rajesh Taneja
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