Functional Test
Moodle 2.4
Test Pre-requisites:
- This test must be performed using the Internet Explorer 8 web browser.
- Enable ajax in Site administration > Appearance > Ajax and Javascript
- Any course in Moodle that has the course format set to Topics.
- Course administration > Course layout is set to "Show one section per page".
Test Steps:
1. Navigate the course index page.
2. Move a section and verify that the section has been moved.
3. Move a resource between sections, then turn editing off and verify that the resource has been moved.
4. Indent a resource, then turn editing off and verify that section appears indented and in the correct position.
5. Edit a resource, then turn editing off and verify that the resource has been edited.
6. Hide a resource, then turn editing off and verify that the resource is hidden.
7. Delete a resource, then turn editing off and verify that the resource is deleted.
8. Duplicate a resource, then turn editing off and verify that the resource has been duplicated.
9. Hide a section, then turn editing off and verify that the section remains hidden.
10. Set a section as the current topic, turn editing off and verify it has been marked visually.
11. Add the section links block and verify that the section links are working correctly.