Functional Test
- Log in as a teacher in a course and edit the course settings
- Add some text to the course summary and add an image file (.jpg/.gif/png) to the course summary files box.
- Save the course settings.
- As the teacher, access "My courses" page and verify your uploaded course image displays instead of the default coloured pattern.
- As admin, go to Site administration > Appearance > Courses and add an other file type (such as .pdf) to the course summary files.
- As a teacher, return to Settings>Course administration>Edit settings.
- Remove the image and add a file of the type you specified.
- Log out and verify the image has gone and the new file is available for download underneath the course summary text.
- As admin, return to Site administration > Appearance > Courses and change the course summary files limit to 0.
- Log out and verify you no longer see the file you added in step 7.
- Log in as the teacher; return to Settings>Course administration>Edit settings and verify you no longer see the course summary files box for adding images and other files.