Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
This test requires a glossary containing several entries. At least one entry should have an attached image.
1. Login as a teacher, update the glossary and select the 'Simple, dictionary style' display format.
2. Check that entries are displayed separate without authors.
3. Update the glossary and select the 'Continuous without author' display format.
4. Check that entries are displayed one after other without any separation and without authors.
5. Update the glossary and select the 'Full with author' display format.
6. Check that entries are displayed with the author's data.
7. Update the glossary and select the 'Entry list' display format.
8. Check that entries are displayed as links.
9. Update the glossary and select the 'FAQ' display format.
10. Check that entries are displayed with the words QUESTION and ANSWER appended to the concept and definition respectively.
11. Update the glossary and select the 'Full without author' display format.
12. Check that entries are displayed in a forum-like display format without authors and with attachments shown as links
13. Update the glossary and select the 'Encyclopedia' format
14. Check that entries are displayed as for "Full with author" but attached images are shown inline