Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
Two browsers (ie Firefox and Chrome) or two computers are required.
1. Log in on one machine as a user (user 1). Check that user 1's messaging settings are set so that "Personal messages between users" go to email while not online and to a popup while online.
2. Log in on the other machine or browser as another user (user 2).
3. Send a message from user 2 to user 1.
4. A new message notification should displayed in the bottom right corner of the browser when user 1 loads a page outside of the site administration area or the messaging system. For example a notification should be displayed while viewing a course or activity.
5. Click "Ignore" and the notification should disappear.
6. Refresh the page and verify that the notification is not displayed again.
7. As user 2 send another message then wait at least 3 minutes.
8. As user 1 the next page load should display a notification. Click "Go to messages".
9. Verify that the messages page is displayed with "unread messages" selected in the user group selector drop down list and user 2 is included in the list of unread message senders.
10. Alter user 1's messaging settings so that they are notified of personal messages by email even when online.
11. As user 2 send another message to user 1.
12. Verify that user 1 receives an email notification.