
    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • Grades, Teacher
    • None

      For this test you will need a course containing at least 1 student and at least 2 grade items. This test involves repeating to test exporting all, none and some grade items. It also involves repetition to check the various grade export formats Moodle supports.

      Before testing the XML export, make sure the student(s) and activities have an ID number set. A user ID number may be set by logging in as an admin, editing the user's profile and going to the Optional section. (If you are using the QA testing site for this test, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access.) Activity ID numbers may be set on the activity settings page under 'Common module settings'.

      1. Log in as a teacher and go to the gradebook within a course.
      2. From the gradebook navigation choose Export - Excel spreadsheet.
      3. On the next screen all grade items should be selected. Click Download.
      4. Check that the downloaded data is as expected.
      5. On the Export - Excel spreadsheet page now click on "select all/none" to deselect all grade items.
      6. Continue through the export process ensuring that the downloaded data only consist of the student's details.
      7. On the Export - Excel spreadsheet page now select one or more grade items (but not all of them).
      8. Continue through the export process ensuring that the preview and downloaded data only consist of the student's details and the selected grade item(s).

      Repeat the above for Export - Plain text file, XML and Open Document spreadsheet. For XML though, note that it is not possible to exclude the course total from the export.

      Note: Fox XML, #6 no student information is exported if no grade items are selected.

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