Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
- Login as a student, go to My home and follow the link to one of the activities listed.
- Check that the nodes in the navigation block are correctly expanded and the navigation trail shows My home > Current course > Features Demo > Course section > Activity.
- Expand nodes in the navigation block and navigate to My courses > Features Demo > Participants > Student name.
- Check that View profile, Forum posts, Blogs are shown.
- Expand Forum posts and click on Posts.
- Check that any posts in the course are displayed and that the navigation trail matches the expanded nodes in the navigation block.
- Login as a teacher, expand nodes in the navigation block and navigate to the participants page in a course.
- Check that Course blogs, Notes, Teacher name are shown.
- Login as a manager, expand nodes in the navigation block and navigate to Site pages > Tags.
- Check that the Participants, Site blogs, Site badges, Notes, Tags, Calendar and Site news are shown in the navigation block under Site pages.