Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
1. Login as a teacher and create an assignment with file submissions enabled.
2. In the assignment settings set rubric as the grading method.
3. In Settings > Assignment administration > Advanced grading select 'Define new grading form from scratch'.
4. Enter a rubric name and description and add three criteria with level definitions.
5. Try adding a further level and then deleting it.
6. Click the button 'Save as draft'.
7. Return to editing the rubric form in Settings > Assignment administration > Advanced grading > Define rubric.
8. Try changing the order of the criteria.
9. Click the button 'Save rubric and make it ready' and check that the rubric is listed as ready for use on the advanced grading page.
10. Disable JavaScript in your web browser and then repeat steps 1 to 9.