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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-5267 Moodle 2.5 QA
  3. MDLQA-5578

CLONE - Modules are prevented from appearing on 'Add...' dropdowns


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Moodle 2.5
    • Moodle 2.5
    • Course
    • None

      1. Go to 'Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Manage activities'
      2. Make sure all the modules are enabled (eye open)
      3. Go to a course main page. Turn editing on.
      4. Disable the activity chooser dialogue from 'Settings > Course administration > Activity chooser off'
      5. Open the dropdown menu to add a resource and select URL
      6. Add a URL with whatever settings you want and go back to course
      7. Enable the activity chooser dialogue from 'Settings > Course administration > Activity chooser on'
      8. Click on 'Add a resource or activity' and make sure URL is present under 'Activities'
      9. Edit /mod/url/lib.php. In the function url_supports() replace:

          case FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE:           return MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE;


          case FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE:           return MOD_ARCHETYPE_SYSTEM;

      10. Reload the course page
      11. Disable the activity chooser dialogue from 'Settings > Course administration > Activity chooser off'
      12. Make sure that URL is not listed in either the 'Activity' or 'Resource' dropdown menus
      13. Enable the activity chooser dialogue from 'Settings > Course administration > Activity chooser on'
      14. Make sure that URL is not listed when clicking on 'Add a resource or activity'
      15. Make sure that the previously added URL resource is still visible and editable

            jaswinder_singh Jaswinder Singh
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