Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
Test Pre-requisites:
-> This test requires conditional access to be enabled by an administrator in Site administration > Advanced features.
Test Steps:
1. Login as a teacher and create an online text assignment.
2. Create a page resource in a section.
3. Edit the section with the page resource and set the grade condition of the online text assignment being at least 20%.
4. Select 'Show section greyed-out, with restriction information' for 'Before section can be accessed'.
5. Login as a student, view the course page and check that the page resource is shown greyed-out with the grade condition specified.
6. Attempt the online text assignment.
7. Login as the teacher and give the student's online text submission at least 20%.
8. Login as the student, view the course page and check that page resource is now available.