Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
Test Pre-requisites:
Create Test Data
1. As an admin, create a new course
2. Navigate to Settings -> Course administration -> Users -> Enrolled users
3. Enrol a teacher in the course
4. Navigate to Settings -> Course administration -> Users -> Permissions
5. Remove 'Teacher' from the permission 'moodle/course:changeidnumber'
Test Steps:
C. Data entry
1. As the teacher, navigate to Settings -> Course administration -> Users -> Groups
2. Click to create a new group
3. Set the group name to 'group-noid'
4. Confirm that you cannot enter a group ID number and save the group
5. Switch to 'Groupings' using the tabs
6. Click to create a new grouping
7. Set the grouping name to 'grouping-noid'
8. Confirm that you cannot enter a grouping ID number and save the grouping