Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
Test Pre-requisites:
- assignments created should be of the new assignment module type
- maximum grading values should be a numeric value greater than 0
- testing should be performed as a teacher user and a non-editing teacher
- an existing marking guide with frequently used comments should have been created and set to ready, with one or more completed submissions, but no marking has been completed
Test Steps:
- Open the 'View/grade all submissions' listing for the assignment
- Begin grading a submission by hovering over the menu icon in the edit column and select Grade
- Enter in criterion grades with the following:
- Negative numbers - this should not be permitted
- Non-numeric characters - this should not be permitted
- Number larger than the maximum specified for the criterion - this should not be permitted
- Decimals smaller than the maximum specified for the criterion- this should be permitted
- Zero - this should be permitted
- Save between each of the entry attempts and re-open after each successful save
- Position the text cursor in the criterion text field. Click on a frequently used comment.
- Check that the text of the frequently used comment it copied into the criterion text field and that it can still be editted.