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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-5267 Moodle 2.5 QA
  3. MDLQA-5682

CLONE - A teacher can set a cut off date for an assignment


      This test requires a course with a teacher and three students.

      Test steps:
      1. As a teacher in a course, create an assignment.
      2. Set the Due date to be 5 minutes from now. Set the Cut off to be 15 minutes from now, leaving other settings as default. Save the assignment.
      3. Log in immediately as Student 1 and navigate to the assignment. Note you have "Time remaining" and submit the assignment.
      4. Wait five minutes and log in as Student 2. Navigate to the assignment.
      5. Verify that the "Time remaining" is displayed as "overdue" but that you can see the submission button. Submit your assignment.
      6. Wait a further ten minutes (so the cut off has passed) and log in as Student 3.
      7. Verify that as well as the "overdue" alert, you do not see the submission button and cannot submit.
      8. Log in as the teacher and from Settings>Assignment administration, click "View/grade all submissions"
      9. Verify that for Student 1 the Status column displays "Submitted for grading".
      10. Verify that for Student 2 the Status column displays "Submitted for grading....(days/hours/minutes) late"
      11. Verify that for Student 3 the Status column displays "No submission..Assignment is overdue by...(days/hours/minutes)"

            jacks92 Jayesh Anandani
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