Functional Test
Moodle 2.5
Note: This test requires Badges and activity completion to have been enabled in Settings>Site administration>Advanced features. It also requires a course with a teacher and student enrolled.
1. As a teacher in the course, create a URL resource and set it to be marked complete when viewed.
2. Visit Settings>Course administration>Badges>Add a new badge and add a new badge.
3.From the Criteria tab, choose "Activity completion" in the drop down.
4.Check the box "URL" and on the next screen, click "Enable access"
5. Log in as a student. Click the URL link.
6. Verify that as a student you can view your newly awarded badge from My profile>My badges.
7. Log in as the teacher and visit Settings>Course administration>Badges>Manage badges and verify in the Badge criteria that you see the badge has been awarded to one student.