Functional Test
- Log in as admin and navigate to Site administration>Plugins>Activity modules>Assignment>Assignment settings.
- Scroll down to Default assignment settings.
- Leave Blind marking as 'No', but check the Advanced box.
- Check the Default Use marking workflow and Use marking allocation boxes, and for both, check the Locked boxes. Save the changes.
- Log into a course as a teacher; turn on the editing and create an assignment.
- Verify that in the 'Grade' section, both marking worfklow and marking allocation say 'Yes" and have a padlock icon, showing they cannot be changed.
- Verify that in the 'Grade' section there is a link 'Show more' which, when clicked, displays the Blind marking option set as 'No'.
- Log back in as admin and navigate back to Site administration>Plugins>Activity modules>Assignment>Assigment settings>Default assignment settings.
- Uncheck the Advanced box for Blind marking; uncheck the Default boxes for marking workflow and marking allocation, and uncheck both Locked boxes.
- Choose one other setting and check its Advanced box. Choose a second setting and check its Locked box. Save the changes.
- Log into course as a teacher and create an assignment.
- Verify that Blind Marking, marking workflow and marking allocation appear in the settings with no padlocks.
- Verify that the setting you checked as Advanced appears on clicking the link 'Show more'.
- Verify that the setting you checked as Locked displays a padlock next to it.