Functional Test
- As admin visit Site administration > Manage courses and categories and create two new categories.
- Take note of the id for each category, to find out click in the category name, the id will be displayed in the url: ?categoryid=X
- A CSV file with fields: shortname, fullname, summary, category (containing category ID).
- A sample CSV file QACourseUploadFile.csv is attached for testing.
- Edit the CSV file and update the category value for each row with the ids you have noted above.
Testing upload of courses
- As admin navigate to Site administration > Courses > Upload courses.
- Upload the CSV file, leaving all other settings as default and click the Preview button.
- Under "Default course values" section set the format to "Social" format and finish uploading the courses.
- Verify the message says the correct number of courses were created and click "Continue".
- Navigate to Site administration > Courses > Manage courses and categories, click on each category and verify the courses have been added to the correct category.
- For each course verify the description is correct and the format has been set to "Social".
Testing upload of courses with delete option
- Edit the CSV file and include the "delete" column and enter 1 next to one course of each category.
- Upload the updated CSV file but this time changing the import options to:
- Upload mode field to 'Only update exisiting courses'
- Update mode field to 'Update with CSV data only'
- Allow deletes field to 'Yes'
- Proceed with the upload and verify in the "Upload courses results" that two of the courses have been deleted.