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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-5740 Moodle 2.6 QA
  3. MDLQA-6374

CLONE - The recent activity block lists course activity


      This test requires a course containing a forum.

      1. Log in as a teacher, go to your course and ensure that the recent activity block is shown.
      2. Create a glossary activity and import entries into it using a file such as http://moodle.org/pluginfile.php/855/mod_glossary/attachment/6031/texfilter_glossary_en.xml
      3. Log in as a student then post in the forum.
      4. Check that the new glossary activity, the glossary entries and the forum post are all listed in the recent activity block.

            alrachels AL Rachels
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